Wednesday 7 July 2010

Blog Goal

Probably the fastest growing Christian blog in the entire Blogospere (located in middle cyber-space) is the Old Geezer blog, with 718 members to date. (not that he dates each member - he has been married quite a while). I would personally hand him a golden trophy but, (1) it's too expensive and (2) I live too far away (Kuwait). So unless someone knows of a faster expanding blog...congrats Ron! You have created a very popular blog (and created a lot of new friends).
My personal goal for my own blog is to reach 207 followers before the year 2012. (I try and make it easy on myself because I am continuing to age 60 minutes per hour)
The ULTIMATE GOAL for any Christian blogger should be to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ. I hope along the way, you will stop and send up a praise to the One who was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, was crucified, buried, and rose from the dead. He will return like He promised...and we are closer today than we were yesterday. 

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