Thursday 19 March 2009

Little Known Quotes from Spiritual Giants Part 6

"Hmmmm, I smell oatmeal cookies!"- C. H. Spurgeon

"I'm thinking about selling sausage on the side!"- John Owen

"I not only speak French, I write it as well!"- John Calvin

"Can I borrow a couple of bucks?."- Cornelius Van Til

" doesn't stand for Alcoholics Annonymous!"- A. A. Hodge

"I'm just really glad I didn't hear 'pick up and dig' because I was sitting by a shovel."- Augustine

"Honey! I'm home!"- B. B. Warfield

"Yes, I plan on writing some scripts for Gunsmoke. Why?" - C. S. Lewis

"Keep me in your prayers, I'm going to take up fencing." - Thomas Boston

"I just got an offer from NASA to do some space walking and talking."- R. C. Sproul

"That is the biggest scorpion I have ever seen in my life!"- William Carey

"I keep getting mail from readers that say they are 'tickled A.W. Pink' about my new book!"- A. W. Pink

"Kate, please make me a double decker ham sandwich!"- Martin Luther

"I don't know how to limbo."- Jonathan Edwards

"Here's looking at you!" - George Whitefield

"Hey!? What's this about R.C. going into space?"- John MacArthur

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