Tuesday 23 June 2009

Wisdom from the Nelsons

Few may remember how heavy the theological content was on "The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet". Here is an episode where little Ricky Nelson, at the time only seven, asks his dad about a hermenuetical concern he had when reading Scripture:

Ozzie and the boys are at breakfast. Harriet is at the stove.

HARRIET: And there's a couple more pancakes here, if you guys are ready.
DAVID: They sure do taste good, Mom.
RICKY: Yeah, they sure do, Mom.
OZZIE: Would you pass me the syrup, please, Rick?
DAVID: Boy, nobody can make pancakes like Mom.
RICKY: Nobody can eat like Pop.
OZZIE: Just a second, young fellow. Think you're doing pretty well yourself for such a little guy.
RICKY: I take after you, Pop! ...uh, I have a question from today's Bible lesson..
OZZIE: Well, son, I'm all ears! What's bothering you?
RICKY: It's about certain verses that seem to indicate that God changes His mind
OZZIE: It just seems that way because that portion of Scripture is written as a narrative! It's from a human perspective. Remember the little acronym I made so you could recall the principle?
RICKY: I guess I kinda forgot...
DAVID: I know what it is, Pop! "DON" ...like when you don a hat or baseball cap!
OZZIE: That's right! "DON" stands for "Didactic Over Narrative". When you read a passage that is narrative you interpret that passage with teaching, instructional, didactic passages...say, from the Book of James or Romans or Ephesians! God never changes His mind. The Bible clearly states that He never changes at all. He is immutable! So..."DON your thinking caps" when you read the Bible!
RICKY: Thanks Pop!
DAVID: You're the greatest!
OZZIE: Well, I don't know about that...
HARRIET: Well, John Calvin, you've got syrup on your tie!

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