My adorable daughter Tammy Osborn
To my friends and spiritual family who read this blog. This has all transpired in literally, a matter of days. My daughter was told that she may have had cancer for the last several years. She is trusting God for everything and she knows this is part of his plan for her life. And she wants to glorify Him and she needs your prayers to do that.
I asked her last night if I could post this letter from my son-in-law. I hope you will not only pray for her but that you will put her name on your Church's prayer list or lift her up in prayer in your Bible study groups.
I will return with humor soon. Right now, every thing seems rather trite in comparison to what my daughter is going through.
Her name is Tammy Osborn. Her husband is Justin. Her precious children are Hunter and Brooklyn Faith.
Here is the letter:
"I would like to thank all of you for the e-mails and messages that we have received. We can't tell you how much we appreciate all the thoughts and prayers.
As you may know, the tumor was removed from Tammy last Friday. We got a phone call last night from the doctor saying that the results were in, and it looks like the cancer has spread to her lymphatic channel, and that he recommends chemotherapy.
In order to get another opinion, we lined up an appointment today with the oncologist. She said very similar things as the other doctor, and in her exact words..."this is the worst of the worst".
In order to confirm these findings, we have an MRI scheduled for this Friday, and a Pet-scan and Sentinel Lymph node Biopsy scheduled for next Tuesday. During this procedure, a Portocath will be inserted in Tammy, and that is how the chemo will go through her body. If those procedures show that the the doctor is correct in his findings (that the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes) then were are dealing with a stage three invasive breast cancer, which is some really serious stuff.
Tammy will be starting Chemotherapy on Thursday, September 17th. This will be a 4 month long process, with the last dose being on 12/23. She will go in every other Thursday for treatment. Once treatment is over, she will be getting a bilateral (double) mastectomy, with reconstructive surgery. Radiation may proceed.
As you can imagine, she is staying amazingly strong through all of this. She has requested a robe like Rocky wore in his boxing movies, only pink....So if anybody knows where I can find one those, let me know. She also has requested the soundtrack to the movies, so that she can constantly hear "Eye of the Tiger". She's ready for the battle that is about to be thrown in the ring with her and she knows that with God on her side, she can knock this thing out."
Eddie here again. One more thing, my wife and I will be flying to Colorado on September 17th and returning to Kuwait on the 26th to help out. This is a difficult time for all involved so prayers are needed all around.
I close with a quote from Spurgeon:
We do not come in prayer only to a place where God dispenses His favors to the poor. Nor do we some to the back door of the house of mercy to receive scraps, though that is more than we deserve. When we pray, we are standing in the palace before God's throne. We are on the glittering floor of the great King's reception room, and thus we are place on advantaged ground.
Shall we come with stunted requests and a narrow, contracted faith? No, for it does not become a King to be giving away pennies. Our God distributes pieces of broad gold. Oh that we always felt this way when we came before the throne of grace! Then He would do "exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think." (Eph.3:20)
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