Thursday 24 September 2009


Well, thought I would let everyone know I have my computer up and running with Photoshop CS4. I had CS2 in the states - so I am slowly learning how to navigate and use this entirely new interface of digital wonder. If any out there know of a good site for tutorials and tips please let me know. I feel like someone has rearranged my house and hidden new tools in the attic! And in Kuwait, you don't find many computer books on the subject. And if you do, it costs about $10 more than it would in the states. My computer had to be reformatted but it still crashes from time to time.
Also, I have met my first Calvinist here. He actually came and knocked on my door. Chris Freeman and his wife Stephanie (who are both teachers) wanted to welcome my wife and I to the neighborhood. We both live in the same building in Salmiya. It houses teachers only. We got to talking and the conversation, of course, worked its way to Christianity, and Calvinism in particular. I was thrilled that my prayers had been answered (with the help of those out there who have prayed for me) and he told me that I was the first Calvinist he had met as well. We went to the Lighthouse church two Sundays ago. It is a church with multiple congregations of over 50 nationalities, that meet on Fridays and Sundays. (the work week in Kuwait is Sunday through Thursday, Friday and Saturday being their weekend)
I am still looking for a job. Need lots of prayer for that. It has a whole different set of challenges. Every American here is either a teacher or in the military.
My wife has been in Colorado taking care of my daughter, Tammy. We couldn't afford to both travel like we originally planned. And of the two, there is no question who is the "angel of mercy". A daughter needs her mother in times like these. My wife, Mary, will return Sunday night. I have been sick (literally) ever since she has been gone.
I will give everyone an update on my daughter tomorrow. Please continue to pray for her in this time of chemo and surgery. God is doing great things through her. Her testimony during this is nothing short of amazing! She actually wore pink boxing gloves to her first chemo treatment. She is going to fight this and would love to have your prayers in her corner.

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