Wednesday 13 October 2010

Bizarre Things Said in the Pulpit

I once heard a pastor of a slowing dying church say, from the pulpit, " If this church is going to grow, it will grow under my ministry and no one else! I will not share this pulpit with anyone!" 
This was his response to a suggestion the week before about having a week long conference, at the church, where four other ministers would take the pulpit, as well as he.
Have you heard anything strange, odd and bizarre come from a pulpit?
If you have please let us know. If a pastor or preacher enters the pulpit unprepared by prayer and humility, the flesh can certainly take over, and often does. 
And please, no vile language. I will delete any statement that I deem inappropriate.
(although, they will probably ALL be inappropriate, you know what I vulgarity - thanks)

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