Friday 15 October 2010

A Letter from Bobo Laughface

Dear Eddie,
You may not know this but, even though I am a follower of Arminian Antics, I still read your blog whenever I feel down. Like right now. As you may or may not know, (you choose) I was on a $7,000 paid vacation (I won this by telling Corky Velveeta that Cotton Adams was a Calvinist) and I ran out of money on the second day of my stay in the Cayman Islands. I really could use another $7,000 to get back home! I have already asked every Arminian friend and relative I know, and they all chose to say no. So I thought I would ask any Calvinist out there if he, or she, feels predestined to hand over seven grand to a man with needs. I can promise that when I return home, I will start asking for money to pay you back AND with 2% interest for your trouble. I hear most Calvinists are richer than a bowl of Cool Whip and wanted to let you know that to help an Arminian is like helping a human being. Thank you and best of luck,
Bobo Laughface

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