Saturday 28 January 2012

What Ever Happened to...Bob Harrington?

Most of you may not remember Bob Harrington. He was a very famous evangelist who, quite frankly, became a crook. He says so in his testimony. You can read it here.
I enjoyed listening to him when I was young in the Lord. He was bold with the Gospel and his sermons were anything but boring. But, like many who succumb to fame and fortune, Bob let his ego become his god. He toured with Madalyn Murray O'Hair, the atheist, and would "debate" her on stage. It was a sham. You can read about it in "My Life Without God", by the atheist son, William J. Murray - now an ordained minister.
His daughter has written a very interesting piece entitled, "The Prodigal Father". You can read it here.
I post this for your consideration. I hope to God he has truly returned. What do you think?

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