Thursday 13 November 2008

The Shack

Dear Eddie,
After reading the Shack, I thought I would search the woods for a real shack that looked like the one on the cover. It took me three days to find it. When I walked in, I felt the urge to "dance in the spirit". Two seconds later, the roof fell on me. When I emerged from my coma, I felt warm inside. Then I realized I was covered with an electric blanket. What do you make of this? Should I write a book to my children about what happened?
Your spiritual nephew,
Willie "Dryrot" Elderman

Dear Willie,
It would be better for you just to read the Bible! And don't worry about writing a book for your children...I have already done that. It's a pop-up book entitled, "Michael Horton Hears a Who".
Just rest up and try not to ever dance again.

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