Monday 15 December 2008

Little Known Quotes from Spiritual Giants

"I've got a headache that just won't quit!" - C. H. Spurgeon

"You see this fist…I've got another one just like it!" - John Owen

"Would someone cut me off a piece of ham?" - John Calvin

"Honey, do you know where my socks are?" - Cornelius Van Til

"I need another hour of sleep…wake me at nine." - A. A. Hodge

"Oh, a wise guy, hey!" - Augustine

"It's really dark in here…let's scram!" - B. B. Warfield

"Joy! Joy! Quick! ...Hand me a towel!" - C. S. Lewis

"Oh no! I just lost a tooth!" - Thomas Boston

"You want a cup of coffee? I'm buying!" - R. C. Sproul

"I hope you're not going to eat that!" - William Carey

"Anyone want some blueberry pancakes?" - A. W. Pink

"I think I'll just let my hair grow out." - Martin Luther

"Let's wrestle!" - Jonathan Edwards

"Oh man! I've got heartburn…big time!" - George Whitefield

"It's good to get these shoes off and relax." - John MacArthur

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