Tuesday 23 December 2008

JOIN NOW and keep me out of the ER

Last night I had a dream that I was dreaming about a vision of an Old Testament prophet that didn't make it into the Book. He was the prophet, Baklava Koos Koos, and he showed me a sign. It looked a lot like a "Yield Right of Way" sign but, it had written on it: "30 members by the end of December or UR in ER." Then he hit me on the head with a polo mallet and I awoke in a cold sweat!
I took this to mean that if I do not have 30 followers by the end of the year, I will somehow end up in the Emergency Room at Presbyterian Hospital.
I realize I had eaten some spicy chicken wings, a large pepperoni pizza, popcorn and a bowl of banana puddin' but, this dream haunts me even now...a mere five minutes later. So I decided to post this plea. If my dream goal of at least 30 doesn't happen...I will be writing this, as of January 1st, from the Medical Center in McKinney, Texas.
Of course, there might be a different "interpretation". If anyone can think of one, let me know so I can get some sleep tonight! I thank thee.

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