Monday 23 February 2009

Little Known Quotes from Spiritual Giants part 4

"Oh yeah, it's Saturday night...I had better prepare my sermon for tomorrow!" - C. H. Spurgeon

"Where did I leave my pen?" - John Owen

"Do you not know how to play Tic Tac Toe?" - John Calvin

"Yes dear, you can have a bite of my ice cream cone." - Cornelius Van Til

"Father, my birthday is right around the corner, y'know." - A. A. Hodge

"No more, please, I have had plenty of pancakes today!" - Augustine

"Students, I'm taking Thursday and Friday off!" - B. B. Warfield

"Yes, I plan on writing some sketches for the Colgate Comedy Hour. Why?" - C. S. Lewis

"Ironically, I have never been to Boston." - Thomas Boston

"How about calling our magazine, 'Tabletalk'...after all, Luther is dead!"- R. C. Sproul

"Would someone please help me hang this tire to that tree limb?" - William Carey

"Oh no...It's Arminian Day in Canada!" - A. W. Pink

"I don't think you want to hear what I think about the Pope." - Martin Luther

"Hey there, Chief Rain-on-the-Neck." - Jonathan Edwards

"John Wesley, you have been eating onions and garlic again haven't you?!" - George Whitefield

"I am up for a game of Battleship...any takers?" - John MacArthur

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