The International Blog Police have contacted me about my site. They said that (1) My blog isn't really a blog. That unless it is in keeping with the International Checklist for Successful Blogging, I do not exist...and (B) Caption Contests should be banned from American soil.
Well, as long as I am paying ten thousand dollars a year to use this "freedom of blogging" right I have as an American citizen, I will continue to blog 'till the cows come home.
...wait a second, someone is at the door...it was a cow. But, not a real one! I spotted the zipper on the back and discovered two International Blog Policemen! I chased them off my property with my bo staff.
DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU PEOPLE! These IBP are nothing more than pagans trying to regulate what we Christians are publishing in cyber-space.
All that to say this...until I return home from Colorado. (I have to be back on the job Tuesday) I am trying to find the easy way to keep my blog going. The caption contests have been the most successful! I am exhilarated over the amount of comments and suggestions. So let the IBP do their worst! I WILL NOT STAND DOWN! CAPTION CONTESTS WILL CONTINUE!
The winner of this Caption Contest
will be announced on May, 29th
will be announced on May, 29th
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