Wednesday 18 November 2009


It's has been quite a ride. But, posting two, three and sometimes fours entries a day can take its toll. I placed a new widget "Recent Comments" on the sidebar thinking it would increase comments. It hasn't. No new followers joining. Old friends have stopped writing. I need to spend more time in finding a permanent job here in Kuwait. I have had one art freelance job that was never paid in full. Cheated out of more than $700. I am now working  as a freelance web page copy writer for a very large company. I hope it will eventually work into something permanent. I had to fly to Dubai and back just to renew my 3 month visa. (you have to leave the country and return as a guest until you can get a civil ID by working a full-time job)

My only expression of creativity comes in the form of Calvinistic Cartoons. Which I love doing. I love the comments from you guys. Brain draining or no, I wish I could do this all the time. But, I am also in the process of writing another book. I can't keep posting multiple entries every day while the popularity of Calvinistic Cartoons seems to be waning. So this will be my last post today. Of course, tomorrow I will be back with new ideas and humor. I have decided to only post four today. I may have to start posting one a day like most bloggers do.

The picture above is not Calvinistic Cartoons sinking, as you may have imagined. It is the miraculous raising of a year old ship. Rising to continue on the watery path on the Blogger Ocean. Keep writing. Keep praying. Keep your doors locked at night.
See you guys tomorrow with a ship load of new entries!
Thanks for your support (I hope) everybody!

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