Friday 26 March 2010

Hit and Run

There are three kinds of hit-and-run commenters I know of...
One spams his agenda. Ever so often, I have to delete these Chinese comments that are just a link to some x-rated site. Or they just want to advertise their web site. They comment once, never to be seen again.
The second kind, likes to jam a complaint, or state their theological position. That's more than fine with me but, when you respond to their comment, or ask a question, they never answer. So they hit and never return.
The third kind, seldom, if ever, comments. They just enjoy reading what others have to say. When they do comment, it is usually a home run. They are as encouraging as a new friend stopping by and having a cup of coffee.
Here is your chance to step up to the plate. If you have never commented before...or maybe just left a note or two...make yourself known! Just a few words will be like a candle that lights up a old school house that has been exposed to radiation. Just a word or two can give strength to an old soldier who has come home to find his chevy stolen and his garbage can missing. Just one word can lift the spirit of a man who has wasted a lot of time today trying to fix a broken scanner. I know you are out there. And even if you choose not to type a single letter, I am glad you came. Make yourself at home. Kick off your shoes and stay awhile.

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