Thursday 10 March 2011

Explanation of Top Commentator Thingy

In a recent post, Truthinator, had this to say:

Eddie...About that comment counter thingy dingy, it doesn't work. I haven't commented in a while and I notice I have fallen from 95 to 75...Maybe my comments are so bad they carry a negative value? That is a real possibility...

Carry on, and here is my check for $7,000.

(Okay - I added that last part -- Eddie) 

My answer:
Until I can find a better widgety do-dad, I am stuck with this one. It is based on ONLY the last 500 comments. At the present, I have OVER 6,000 comments on my Calvinistic Cartoons blog, so each new comment from anyone causes changes in the individual totals. If the widget were based on my comment TOTAL it would be a lot better for everyone involved...but, alack and alas my friend, I haven't found one that does that. Just keep in mind that these are the comments poll of the last 500. If anyone knows of a better McWidget, let me know. I thank thee all, brethren and sistern, I thank thee all.

Here...enjoy some bacon and eggs with toast...

I like to keep my readers well fed y'know...

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