Friday 25 March 2011


This short video is just a small portion of what is happening RIGHT NOW as I am typing. Thank God, that my wife and I were home. I looked out my 10th story apartment and saw the sandstorm coming just like what you see here. The roaring wind is shaking the windows and doors and sand is getting in the rooms. I can't see the building across the street anymore. It's there...just can't see it. There is a fine, moon-dust like sand that can blow in from any small opening or between the sliding doors or windows. You can smell and taste it. I can rake my finger on any surface in the house now and there is this "sand dust". It's a little hazy as I view my computer monitor. I'm sure our cars will be covered in sand by tomorrow. The storm has been going on now for hours and I don't know when it will let up. I have never seen anything like this. That's the Kuwait update. Please remember my wife in prayer. She has asthma and this is a monster sand storm.

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