Saturday 14 May 2011

Old Diary Mentions Spurgeon

Caroline Richards
1842 - 1913

Village Life in America

Including the Period of the American Civil War as Told in the Diary of a School-Girl
by Caroline Cowles Richards

Sunday, July 22. 1880—We went to Spurgeon's Tabernacle this morning to listen to this great preacher, with thousands of others. I had never looked upon such a sea of faces before, as I beheld from the gallery where we sat. The pulpit was underneath one gallery, so there seemed as many people over the preacher's head, as there were beneath and around him and the singing was as impressive as the sermon. I thought of the hymn, "Hark ten thousand harps and voices, Sound the notes of praise above." Mr. Spurgeon was so lame from rheumatism that he used two canes and placed one knee on a chair beside him, when preaching. His text was "And there shall be a new heaven and a new earth." I found that all I had heard of his eloquence was true.

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