Sunday 15 May 2011

Google Blogger Banning Calvinistic Cartoons

Because certain people do not like the Calvinistic content of this humor blog, Google Blogger has written me about banning this blog from certain areas. Here is a the email that was sent. I just hope that most of you loyal readers are not living in these parts of the world.

Dear Mr. Eddings
Many readers of a different theological persuasion have informed me of your efforts to ridicule, mock and yes, even bash certain practices in other sects of Christianity. We here at Google Blogger feel that banishment, from certain parts of the world, will be the best way to punish you for your arrogance.
The following areas will not be receiving Calvinistic Cartoons through the miracle of cyber-space:
The Kerguelen Islands;
Alert, Nunavut, Canada;
Tristan da Cunha;
Motuo County, China;
McMurdo Station, Antarctica
and La Rinconada, Peru.  
If your witticisms don't take on a more "user-friendly" attitude we might consider hiring an Arminian ninja to teach you a thing or two.
Thank you and have a pleasant tomorrow.
Mr. Google   

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