Sunday 6 November 2011

Announcing an Announcement

Dear friends,
This Saturday, November 12, Calvinistic Cartoons will be 3 years old. I have had a pretty good run. I never thought I would be able to maintain a blog of this type for this long. Even though followers are up, the stats indicate that readership is down a little from a year ago. Comments are incredibly creative and I have enjoyed every one of them.
I have decided to set a date for ending Calvinistic Cartoons and its sister, Facets of Grace. A lot of things have happened in these last three years and I am glad for all the laughter and thought-provoking (I hope) satire I might have brought to the table. I have many pre-scheduled posts that are loaded and ready to fire in the next few weeks. Tomorrow I will make the biggest announcement ever by posting the exact date of the last Calvinistic Cartoons.
Keep looking up!
Eddie Eddings

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