Saturday 17 October 2009


Some members of the John 3:16 Conference have joined together to form a new political group known as F.L.A.G. (For Land And God). The team includes Dr. Jury Vines, Dr. Rich Landowner, Dr. Doolittle, Dr. Howard, Dr. Fine, Dr. Howard and Dr. Doom.
The goal is to examine every country's flag and determine if they should be recognized as "true flags" and if they are worthy to fly over the U.N. building.
Their first official meeting will be on Flag Day (June 14) of 2010, although they have already decided that the flag of Greece be passed with flying colors.
"When I see some flags, red flags pop up in my head", said Dr. Rich Landowner.
When asked if he had ever been to the Holy Land, Dr. Landowner stated that he had actually lived in Dallas, Texas for many many years.
"People think we hate Calvinists", Dr. Jury Vines said while eating an Arminian baloney sandwich, "but, that is just not true. Does the peacock hate the lowly sparrow? Does the Prince of Wales hate the bed mite? Does the King of the Jungle hate the ivory poachers...I am speaking of Tarzan, of course. Nay, nay, I say and I have written a short poem to prove it. It goes like this:

I do not hate the evil man
Who lives a life of ease
I do not hate a scorpion
Who stings me on my knees
I just have to smack 'em down
Smack 'em hard and true
For I am just a humble man
Who knows what I have to do.

Thank you.
See you at the poles!"

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