Tuesday 23 February 2010

Advertise Your Blog Here!

Advertise your site here by taking a snapshot of your blog's home page!
For some reason, I have not been able to post new blogs I enjoy and follow on my blog list. I am able to delete but not add. (Things here in Kuwait are different - there are more restrictions - don't really know if that has anything to do with it but nonetheless, I thought up this idea for all who want to participate)

Here's how to photograph your home page (if you don't know already)

Step 1 
Set up your computer to display the screen that you want to capture. For example, if you want to take a picture of your Web site, open your home page in the browser that you normally use.

Step 2
Press the Print Screen button on your keyboard. This captures a "snapshot" on the Clipboard.

Step 3
Open a graphics program, such as MS Paint.

Step 4
Open a new file.

Step 5
Paste the contents of the Clipboard into your document (Ctrl+V).

Step 6
Your file now contains an image of the screen that you captured. Name your file and save it in the graphics format of your choice. (make it a "jpeg")

IMPORTANT - I have only two requests. I am limiting this to those bloggers who list Calvinistic Cartoons on their blog list (that's only fair and can be done today) and that you make this announcement by post, link or comment on your blog.

I will post your home page on Calvinistic Cartoons Saturday, March 20th.
Only Christian blogs - Calvinistic OR Arminian (if you're friendly)

DEADLINE - I need your screenshots no later than March 13th. (For those of you who maintain more than one blog - please decide on only one to be advertised here)

Step 7
Send a jpeg file of your screenshot to calvinist12345@gmail.com
You may want to include a short blurb (keep it under five or six sentences please) on your blog's content and purpose.

With your permission, I may use your screenshot in the background of one of my photoshopped posts someday. I enjoy planting "Easter eggs" on my blog entries.
Hopefully, the exposure will help all of us.
Thanks, everyone.

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