Sunday 21 February 2010

Corky Velveeta on Record

On his way to his next destination, Corky was able to stop at Nashville and record a few songs with The Potter's Freedom Four. His assignment, of course, is to help promote Calvinistic Cartoons wherever he goes. In keeping with his mission, Corky wrote two songs for the album above. The first, "C.C. Amigos" is about friends of Calvinistic Cartoons who plug this blog on their site. The second number, "Adios Muchacos" was written about followers who mysteriously disappear. It is a tear jerker let me tell you. You will be able to purchase this fine album at the Guy Caballero's Christian Knick Knack and Music Emporium in downtown Nashville, Ontario.
Guy Caballero, seen in the photo below, tried to become Corky's agent after the album sold over 14 copies in a single day!

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