Sunday 7 February 2010

Fan Letter from Pedro

Dear Eddie,
I go to a small evangelical church but lately we have had a lot of trouble with many Don Juan's in our congregation. What can I do? If you answer I will build you a cake.

Dear Pedro,
Do you mean a lot of men are flirting with the women at your church?

Dear Eddie,
No, Mr. Eddie, I mean that many Don Juan to do anything! They Don Juan to give money, they Don Juan to help with the nursery, they Don Juan to help out on work day at the church, they just Juan to be ministered to. They have the "Don Juan's".
Your fan,

Dear Pedro,
First, talk to your pastor about your concern.
Second, be an example to the others and thank God for the opportunity to serve.
Let me know how things are going.
Your friend,

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