Friday 19 February 2010

Write Your Own Story #1

Experimental post. If you like we keep.
If you no like we don't keep.
I will kick things off with a little story I call,

Kinko Marcel, the vice-president of my deacon board, came in with a sermon he had prepared for me to preach this Sunday. 
"Put it on the table and get out. Can't you see I am in prayer?" I pointed to the envelope on my antique oak desk, "Your payment is all there. Next time, I want a sermon that will increase the giving. I want a sermon that will convict that penny-pinching congregation of mine to double-tithe! Now leave before I give Herman Mince your position."
I never like Kinko. His name alone left a bitter taste in my mouth. He was getting too ambitious for my liking. He would have to be fired and soon. I just needed to find someone else who would write my sermons.
I alone should have the preeminence at the Church on the Pathway. After all, I started it myself back in 1984. The day my big brother died in a skiing accident.

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