Saturday 12 June 2010

Now I'm a Street Therapist

An old friend, from my days in Houston, wrote me a while back. We had done quite a few projects together. A comic strip, a radio show, a TV comedy show, a worm farming project (no joke) among other things. To my surprise, he has written a humorous novel (it's been compared to Dave Barry's work) and included me in it. Here is his letter to me:

Dave or Eddie - however you refer to yourself nowadays,
Open the Door, Richard is my first novel & it’s available at, Barnes & & all the major internet book sites for $9.95. I have two more coming out (all are humorous fiction)—one in December & another in 2010). The first one is about me growing up in the fifties & sixties. I tell the individual stories to a series of court-appointed therapists after being convicted for road rage. Street therapist Dave Eddings (a rock ‘n roll guitarist/ex-biker and two-time ex-con), my fourth therapist, hears one too many of my life stories tries to prove that he can fly and jumps out of the window from eleven stories up. (It turns out that he can’t.) But don’t worry. If I have time before the Rapture to write a sequel, I plan to introduce Dave’s twin brother, Eddie Eddings.
I read your blog, too. How long have you been doing it & are you doing any other projects? At the moment, I’m writing either a comic strip or a cartoon book (I’ve written close to six months worth of material) called In Search of Global Warming. I was planning to use one of the artists who did my book covers ( the publisher does comic books, too), but if you’d be interested, let me know. If not, get in touch with me anyway. I’d love to hear from you.

I haven't bought a copy yet, but when I get to the states (in about 4 days) I will look for it. Hope he was life has always been based on a true story.

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