Thursday 19 August 2010

For My Arminian Friends

Arminian publisher, Amy Simple McFireside, hawks the newest book, "Against Calvinism" on the streets of Chicago. That same book will soon be available to purchase once again. Find out all about it right here!
Part of the review reads:
"This resource is one for those of both theological viewpoints to read. We think one will find that at the end of the day, in the real world, the Calvinist reaction may be slack-jawed astonishment as his Arminian friend lays out the logical arguments and supporting Scriptures contained within this tome. We have labored to make the arguments refuting Calvinism simple and plain enough that even the “babe in Christ” – one who is still on the spiritual milk – can understand, memorize and communicate them."
I have ordered one myself! I suggest everyone do the same, whether you are a Calvinist, an Arminian or something in-between.

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