Sunday 7 November 2010

On the Level

My computer crashed on October 27th. I lost everything. Well, almost everything. I had made a backup disk in August with some of my ideas and posts. But, I no longer have the large volume of resources. If you have ever had this experience, you know how it feels. It's like a Texas tornado ripped through my trailer park blog
and destroyed my home. 
I couldn't make this announcement until the "Hiatus" post appeared because it would have spoilled the joke. You see, I have everything pre-scheduled until January 1, 2011, with an additional post on January 8. I like to work far in advance, because ideas don't always come to me on a daily basis...and in emergencies, like this one.
My son-in-law has been the biggest help to me. He reformatted my computer twice to no avail. He literally spent days trying to at least get my computer on crutches so I could work. (My computer died while I was doing a free-lance job for my brother-in-law in Houston) My son-in-law has now loaned me a computer from his office. It's an old, large tower that won't even fit in my computer desk. It has some has just cut off and rebooted three or four times, in the last three days. I don't have internet connected yet. I hope to get that fixed today. 

Here is what I would like you to pray about, if you would be so kind:
Pray that I get a permanent job soon. (I should be getting my work visa shortly, under my son-in-law's company) I have been doing free-lance -- but that is few and too far between. Getting a permanent job would allow me to buy a computer (they are like twice the price here) with my first paycheck.
I am not able right now, to check CC daily - but, please continue to comment. I will comment when I can and will let everyone know when I land a job and/or get a new, reliable computer.
Thanks for your prayers in this matter. 
Glory to His Name! 

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