Friday 7 August 2009

Farewell 4 A While

Dear friends, followers and fans,
This will be the last posting for a while.
Today is my last day at Electronic Data Systems in Plano, Texas and I will not have access to a computer until I reach Kuwait. The container, with my computer, will arrive about two weeks after I do. So it might be hit and miss (as far as any communication or posting is concerned) for the next several days.
My wife and I will be staying at a hotel starting Monday. Our flight leaves Dallas on Wednesday, August 12. It's a 19 hour flight and a quantum leap in our lives. Stepping out of the boat of comfort and security is always a little nerve-shattering, but we all need our nerves shattered if it helps us to focus on the Lord Jesus Christ. I am going through a gamut of emotions, but excited all the while.

Please keep tuning in. When you see nothing new has been posted, don't jump to another blog so quickly. I would ask you to view these photos as a reminder to pray for us. God has already written my journey before I was born and I know it will have a great ending...or beginning.

Eventually, Lord willing, all the Photoshop postings will reappear: T&G; Chic & Gumbo; Caption Contests; Funny Ads; Calvinistic Cartoons and more. New features are in the works.
So remember His grace and mercy and send up a prayer ever once in a while. (My wife probably needs your prayers more than I because she has to endure my humor)

You might even check out my other blog, Facets of Grace.
There are blessings there waiting to happen.

In His eternal service,
David "Eddie" Eddings

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