Sunday 18 March 2012

Stopping CC for a While

As much as I have enjoyed CC and as much as many of you have enjoyed CC, I am putting on the brakes, so to speak, for a few months. I don't know if I can hold out that long, to be honest with you. CC has become an obsession with me as of late. I think about it too much. It not good for my health, in many ways. Problem is, CC has become more than a past time - it has become an addiction. People give up things for various reasons - years ago, I had to stop, cold turkey, playing a computer game called "City of Heroes", because it dominated my life to the point where I was not studying and reading the Word like I should. So I put a stop to it and never returned. This is why I am putting a stop to CC for a undetermined length of time. Coca-Cola will no longer be my main soft drink. I am switching to a drink with vitamin C - probably an Orange or Grape drink for a while. I will return to CC in the future, but for now, I will be stopping, cold turkey!

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