Thursday 22 March 2012

Member (dis) Member

Throughout the life of this blog, members have joined and suddenly disappeared. I check my blog daily and I am always thrilled when someone joins CC. Yesterday I had 351 members - now it's down to 349.
I used to think someone out there was murdering Calvinists (I have posted about that elsewhere on this blog). But now, I have come to believe that Arminians, who don't know they're Arminians, join this blog wanting some humor in their lives. They don't know the difference between Calvinism and Arminianism - they just see the word "Cartoons" and jump in feet first. As they scroll down, examine the archives and read the comments, they come to the realization that they are allergic to TULIPS and quickly rip out their membership!
If you are a Calvinistic blogger - has this ever happened to you? Do you have another theory?

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