Wednesday 7 January 2009

Letter Department

Dear Eddie,
I need your advice on this very awkward situation. There is a certain "blogger" who has a certain "theological world view" that I do not possess myself. I love his "humor" and his "cartoons" are funny but, sometimes he "preaches" a little too much on "five" areas of "doctrine" I don't agree with. I happen to attend the Okeedokee Free Will Baptist Church of Tupelo, Mississippi and would like "him" to read my new pop-up book: "I Ain't No Puppet and I Ain't No Robot!". Do you think "he" would mind me sending it to "him" and charging him for the postage?
Your semi-fan,
Ludloe Moots

Dear Ludloe,
I think "he" has already read your book. "He" picked it up at a garage sale last week. My advice to you is to do a study on Romans 9, John 10, John 17 and Ephesians chapter one as soon as possible! But, I must say, you have "inspired" me to write a pop-up book. A pop-up book to refute you own.
Will anyone out there in Lala Land help me with a working title?

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