Sunday 31 July 2011

Thursday 28 July 2011

Random Word Writing Challenge #23

Write as many paragraphs as you like using the words above.
Entries may be poetry, prose, fiction, essays or interviews.
(or any other form of creatively written expression.)
Just be funny, clever and theological...
and please give your piece a TITLE.

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Random Word Writing Challenge #21

Write as many paragraphs as you like using the words above.
Entries may be poetry, prose, fiction, essays or interviews.
(or any other form of creatively written expression.)
Just be funny, clever and theological...
and please give your piece a TITLE.

Monday 25 July 2011

Random Word Writing Challenge #20

Write as many paragraphs as you like using the words above.
Entries may be poetry, prose, fiction, essays or interviews.
(or any other form of creatively written expression.)
Just be funny, clever and theological...

Sunday 24 July 2011

Real Records You May Have Missed #39

All it takes is one long extension cord and a bushel of birds that are not afraid of the blast of a huge pipe organ to pull this off. 

Random Word Writing Challenge #19

Write as many paragraphs as you like using the words above.
Entries may be poetry, prose, fiction, essays or interviews.
(or any other form of creatively written expression.)
Just be funny, clever and theological...
and please give your piece a TITLE.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Prayer Update for Craig Boyd

I talked with Craig Boyd today, over the phone, as he was recovering from hip surgery in his hospital room. He and his son Michael were crossing a busy street, and as he usually does, he jogged a little at the finish. He tripped on the curb and broke his hip. His head hit the metal box on the crosswalk pole lacerating his ear.
He appreciates all the prayer he can get. He has weeks of physical therapy to undergo and this has affected his work as well. 
He may be a "stranger in a strange land" but to our Calvinistic blog community he is a much loved brother in Christ. 
The greatest healing therapy is friendship, love and plenty of prayer.

Just for Laughs #171

Here comes a storm of captions

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Just for Laughs #170

Perfect spot for some laughs

Please Pray for Craig Boyd

Michael Boyd, Craig's son, emailed me yesterday about an accident which left Craig (His blog is Stranger in a Strange Land) with lacerations and a fractured hip. He is undergoing surgery, as of this writing, and will need extensive rehabilitation in the coming months. I will talk with him tomorrow and find out what details I can share. Just know he and his family need plenty of prayer and encouragement. Please take a few minutes to pray and maybe a comment on his blog that will lift his spirit. (The link is above and I have his blog listed on my blog list in the right column.)
Thanks in advance for your intercession on his behalf. He's a great brother.

Thursday 7 July 2011

Random Word Writing Challenge #18

Write as many paragraphs as you like using the words above.
Entries may be poetry, prose, fiction, essays or interviews.
(or any other form of creatively written expression.)
Just be funny, clever and theological...
and please give your piece a TITLE.

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Random Word Writing Challenge #17

Write as many paragraphs as you like using the words above.
Entries may be poetry, prose, fiction, essays or interviews.
(or any other form of creatively written expression.)
Just be funny, clever and theological...
and please give your piece a TITLE.

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Random Word Writing Challenge #16

Write as many paragraphs as you like using the words above.
Entries may be poetry, prose, fiction, essays or interviews.
(or any other form of creatively written expression.)
Just be funny, clever and theological...
and please give your piece a TITLE.

Monday 4 July 2011

Random Word Writing Challenge #15

Write as many paragraphs as you like using the words above.
Entries may be poetry, prose, fiction, essays or interviews.
(or any other form of creatively written expression.)
Just be funny, clever and theological...
and please give your piece a TITLE.

Sunday 3 July 2011

Random Word Writing Challenge #14

What else would you expect a black yak to do?
Write as many paragraphs as you like using the words above.
Entries may be poetry, prose, fiction, essays or interviews.
(or any other form of creatively written expression.)
Just be funny, clever and theological...
and please give your piece a TITLE.

Fan Photo from Tabitha Movinhobben

$7,000 is being sent to Tabitha Movinhobben for her photo of my grandmother (standing) and her friend, Libby Fatoosh, as they sing during a break from the filming of an old Christian movie entitled, "Judge Me Not Fair Lassie". There is a note scribbled on the back that reads, "Met Corky today. He was on his way to the Macy's parade."