Tuesday 31 January 2012

President Obama presents Time Travel Award

The reason no one noticed this before is because it had not happened yet. The President of the United States of America presents the Time Travel Award to Corky and me.
Here is a closer look at the icon that all time-travelers are familiar with. 

Fab Feb

Corky on the BGA Tour

Corky visits his old friend, Scott, at the By Grace Alone building

Monday 30 January 2012

Guess Who #30

When someone correctly identifies this man I will post his photo beneath this one.
Here are your clues:
Worked on TV - Happy Days, Mork and Mindy and Laverne & Shirley
Worked in movies - Many Marvel Movies, several Star Treks
I am a Presbyterian and have something to do with an upcoming C.S.Lewis movie, based on a story other than the Narnia series. 
work regularly for FoxFaith, and I am a frequent speaker at Christian conferences and prayer breakfasts
Bonus clue: Tim LaHaye, Jerry B. Jenkins, Ted Dekker, Frank Peretti 

Ralph Winter

Corky Visits UT

Corky found the Underdog Theology blog offices to be very humble and homey.

Sunday 29 January 2012

Explain This!

I'm not sure what is being taught in this picture. It gave me a brain freeze.
Please help with a reasonable explanation while my brain defrosts. 

Corky Visits 1909 Toledo, Ohio

In search of the Sacred Sandwich offices.
Just hope Corky didn't come at a wrong time. 


Corky talks with Clark Dunlap over a hot cup of java

Saturday 28 January 2012

What Ever Happened to...Bob Harrington?

Most of you may not remember Bob Harrington. He was a very famous evangelist who, quite frankly, became a crook. He says so in his testimony. You can read it here.
I enjoyed listening to him when I was young in the Lord. He was bold with the Gospel and his sermons were anything but boring. But, like many who succumb to fame and fortune, Bob let his ego become his god. He toured with Madalyn Murray O'Hair, the atheist, and would "debate" her on stage. It was a sham. You can read about it in "My Life Without God", by the atheist son, William J. Murray - now an ordained minister.
His daughter has written a very interesting piece entitled, "The Prodigal Father". You can read it here.
I post this for your consideration. I hope to God he has truly returned. What do you think?

Corky Visits LMW HQ

Corky Visits the Bible Christian Offices

They discussed a little of this and a little of that.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

CC Theme Song

Calvinistic Cartoons needs a TV theme song that can be sung to the tune of an old TV theme song. The chosen one will have the theme posted separately next month. I would like to post the original theme song from YouTube along side the new CC theme so everyone will be familiar with the tune. This doesn't have to be lengthy - just have fun with it. (think of the old TV shows like Patty Duke, Maverick, Huckleberry Hound, etc.)

CV visits TB

Ironically, an emergent cab driver knew just where this was.

Monday 23 January 2012

To the Rescue!

Corky Stops by TWSJ

Corky came by the humble headquarters of The Word Street Journal today to pay Paul Latour and his lovely wife, Kim a visit. One of the staff told Corky he could find them downtown witnessing on the street. After a few minutes, Corky found them and spent the rest of the day spreading the Good News.
Paul and Kim treated Corky to a marvelous dinner at Denny's afterwards, and then took him for a tour of their office. Great fellowship and great encouragement!

Saturday 21 January 2012

The Act of Faith

“Although faith is the act of man, yet it is the work of God. “With the heart man believeth unto righteousness;” but that heart must, first of all, have been renewed by divine grace before it ever can be capable of the act of saving faith. Faith, we say, is man’s act, for we are commanded to “believe on the Lord Jesus Christ,” and we shall be saved. At the same time, faith is God’s gift, and wherever we find it, we may know that it did not come there from the force of nature, but from a work of divine grace.”
C.H. Spurgeon

Corky Pays a Visit to AP HQ

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Corky Drops In On Kansas Bob

Nice visit with plenty of coffee and conversation!

Actual Signs You May Have Missed

This is an actual sign that points you in the direction of a 200 foot rock formation dubbed "Lot's wife".

The pillar can be reached by driving southbound on Road 90, few kilometers before Dead Sea industrial area so-called Dead Sea Factories. There's a brown road sign "Lot's Wife" showing the direction on the way. Also, many tourist maps point this place as "Lot's Cave", that can be found just beneath the pillar.

Fan Photo from Tabria Puddintock

Don't know what to make of this photo sent in by Tabria Puddintock.
Wanted to post this to let you know that Corky is still in the field...and the harvest is ripe.
(for a little more detail - click the pic)

Monday 16 January 2012

Corky at Pyro HQ

Corky and Eddie owe a lot to Pyromanics.
If you go to the other side of the building you will see Eddie on the 13th floor
doing the same stunt he did at the Burj Khalifa in Dubai.

Guess Who #29

Piece the clues together and see if you can identify this man.
I will post the unmixed photo when someone gets it.
You'll have to dig a little...it's a little tougher than usual.

1. His father is a member of the board of trustees for Oral Roberts University
2. He is 6' 5"
3. His mother teaches a Bible Study
4. He attended the Grace Christian Academy in the Cayman Islands
5. He played a famous evangelist in a movie
6. With the help of CGI, he played identical twins in a now famous movie 
7. He was in a drama directed by Clint Eastwood
8. He garnered a “Faith and Values Award” nomination in the Grace Award category, which is awarded for the Most Inspiring Performance in Movie or Television by Mediaguide, an organization which provides movie reviews from a Christian perspective.
9. His big upcoming role will be with Johnny Depp.
10. His great-great-grandfather founded the Communist Party in New York!

 BONUS WILD CARD CLUE: two words - "Navy Mallet"

CV from CC visits TCC