Wednesday 29 February 2012

Julia Stiles, The Bell Jar and Donald Grey Barnhouse

Few know that The Bell Jar, which will star Julia Stiles, has a character named Dr. Nolan, who in reality was Dr. Ruth Tiffany Barnhouse, the daughter of Donald Grey Barnhouse. The 2012 movie is supposedly truer to the semi-autobiographical novel than the 1979 film.
Here is a lengthy, but interesting link that interviews Ruth Barnhouse and sheds some information on her father as well. The information on DGB is not all that flattering, so be aware, if he is one of your heroes. Heroes have clay feet sometimes.
I have always loved reading Donald Grey Barnhouse. His four volume set on Romans is with me right now.

Former U.S. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop, who attended the Tenth Presbyterian Church for more than twenty years, said of Barnhouse: "His authoritative voice held my attention, his physical appearance was arresting, and his preaching was teaching of the highest intellectual order ... I always marveled at the simplicity of the faith of this very intelligent and learned man."

March in Time

click, print and tack it on your wall

Thursday 23 February 2012

A Page from Superman

This single page was hand-delivered by anonymous's assistant semi-anonymous.
I hope one of our readers has read this entire story and can let us in on the details.

Just for Laughs #204

Provide a caption

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Just for Laughs #203

Provide a caption

Fan Photo from David Daniel Kaminsky

Thanks Danny! This ad appeared in Take a Hike magazine last month.

Eddie Eddings Sings

This is my dad's recording in 1954.
Two years later, his friend, George Jones recorded it.
Tammy Wynette, Loretta Lynn, Ernest Tubb,
Jack Greene and Jeannie Seely also recorded it.  

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Monday 20 February 2012

Sunday 19 February 2012

Calvinistic Cartoons Theme Song by Persis

Play the above if you don't know the tune.

Here are the lyrics to the CC theme song:

Hey all you baby boomers
In desperate need of humor
This isn't just a rumor
Read Calvinist Cartoons

Theology, Cool graphics
In one neat tidy package
You'll laugh and get a side stitch
At Calvinist Cartoons

Bar none!

So join Corky Velveeta
He'll be so glad, I tells ya
Come on you gals and fellas
Read Calvinist Cartoons!

Just for Laughs #200

Provide a caption

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Winner of Car Giveaway!

Calvinistic Cartoons is pleased to announce that our Calvinistic "Car"tune Contest finally has a winner! It was Mrs. Lulee Josyln Carpathian of Potatohead, Mississippi. Pictured above is Mrs. Carpathian and her daughters, Flora and Fauna. The family shouted and cried when Corky Velveeta drove up and gave her the keys to her new car. This is what it's all about, people. Look for a new contest sometime in the future!

Just for Laughs #199

Supply a formal caption for the situation above.

Monday 13 February 2012

To "Dis" Grace

Christians and profanity: What does the Bible say?

by Hal Lane

“What’s the big deal about profanity?” It’s a question I sometimes hear from young people who consider profanity a normal part of modern communication. Indeed, some Christian leaders in supposedly “cutting-edge” ministries use profanity in their presentations in an attempt to relate to the street language many unsaved people use.
What is profanity? The word profane literally means “outside the temple.” The term originally identified people or things that were secular as opposed to religious. The proliferation of profanity in American culture indicates secularization and an attack on Christian values. Media ratings of movies, music and videos continue to use language as a criterion, but standards of censorship on public airwaves are clearly eroding.
Profanity is used for shock value in expressing anger and humor. The words often are associated with sexuality and filth. Names of the Deity are used to bring additional potency and irreverence to the expressions. It is worth noting in our politically correct culture that the blasphemous use of the names of God and Jesus Christ are not regarded as “hate speech.”
The Bible recognizes the power of words. God spoke His creation into existence, and the gift of speech is one aspect of man’s creation in the image of God (Gen. 2:19-20). In the revelation of God’s law, words as well as actions are assigned moral values. Lying, blasphemy, taking the Lord’s name in vain, and cursing are examples of sinful speech forbidden in the Mosaic Law.
The New Testament also commands believers to be pure in speech by controlling their tongues: “With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men who are made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things should not be this way” (James 3:9-10). Christians should honor the purpose of speech by using our mouths to praise God and leading others to obey the Lord through faith in Jesus Christ. Every word we speak should be “gracious” and “seasoned with salt” (Col. 4:6). We should always ask, “What would Jesus say?”
Christians are called upon to live differently and to act differently than the world of unbelievers. I do not need to speak profanity to win a cursing unbeliever anymore than I need to drink alcohol to win an alcoholic. The words of Scripture have all the potency and power we need to reach the heart of the lost.
“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You, LORD, my rock and my Redeemer” (Psalm 19:14).
Hal Lane is pastor of West Side Baptist Church in Greenwood, South Carolina, and chairman of the trustees of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission.

The Proper Way

Now that you all know about the origin of the high five, click HERE if you forgot, modifications are in order for Calvinists, in this generation, to maintain the practice. The world quickly adopted this signal for their own use and hiding the fact that John Calvin came up with the idea in the first place.  
So the above photo illustrates the 21st century method of greeting other Calvinists. Calvinists are free to use any and all the above whenever and wherever it applies.

Corky Finally Finds SS HQ

click on Corky - see what happens

Wednesday 8 February 2012

The Masked Arminian Pastor #9

Corky Visits Made Alive With Christ HQ

Corky visits Jeannette Davenport at her blog headquarters.

Want a Visit from Corky?

Corky would like to pay you a visit at your blog office location. Maybe you don't have a building yet...well, Calvinistic Cartoons will gladly provide you with one!

To have your blog on Corky's visitation list, you need to list Calvinistic Cartoons and/or Facets of Grace on your own blog list. It's only fair - after all we are willing to construct a nice building in your honor.

Then list your blog address or provide a link below. Corky has a hard time keeping track of everywhere he's been because of his time travel. Y'see sometimes he stops by a place his future self has already visited in the past! It does get confusing at times.

...and if Corky has already paid you a visit...don't list your address or link below. List it under your already created office building post.

Thanks for stopping by! See ya soon!

For Your Consideration...Calvin & Hobbes

Click comic strip for better viewing

Tuesday 7 February 2012

A Fashion Plate from AA

Who said I wasn't nice to Arminians? Who said I wasn't fair with Finney? Has everyone forgotten that I post Arminian Antics every week? "Maybe you do, but you never let me advertise on your blog!" Benny wrote recently. Well, to show Benny I am more than fair, I am allowing Benny Finney to post this ad on my Calvinistic Cartoons web page. If any Arminians out there want to purchase this item, then contact Benny Finney at his blog. Thank you.

Fan Photo from Wilmer Emirates

Thanks Wilmer, for making us aware of the free plug in this Batman comic book. It always thrills Corky when he finds himself as an "Easter egg" in a comic or a cartoon! Expect your $7,000 check to arrive within 5 business days.

Friday 3 February 2012

Corky Visits BC Building and DP

Corky had a great time visiting with Dan Phillips at his headquarters.
Mr. Velveeta walked away with autographed copies of Dan's book
 and a newly released CD of Dan's guitar solos.

Arminian Antics #82

Thursday 2 February 2012

Corky at A Squirrel in Babylon's HQ

Corky seen under Gene Clyatt's headquarters.

Book Giveaway Winners!

Well, well, we finally have our five winners!
I know you must be as excited as I am!

1. The Works of John Owen (16 volume set) goes to....Bernice Longstocking of Ludloe, Ohio

2. The Puritan Paperback Bundle (45 volumes) goes to....Tippi McLayman of Broken Bridge, Montana

3. Romans (14 volume set) by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones goes to....Cha Cha Phelps of Ballyhoo, Idaho

4. The entire set of sermons by Charles Haddon Spurgeon (64 volumes) goes to....Leroy Vermin of Moldiebred, Wisconsin

5. Clean Jokes by Bob Phillips (192 pages) goes to....Kelby Fontaine of Coffeepot, Nebraska

Thanks for entering the contest everyone! Watch for the next big giveaway!
You too could win!