Sunday, 31 May 2009
Saturday, 30 May 2009
Random Word Writing Contest #7

letter, glacier, glue, hand sanitizer
The winner will be announced on June 5th
Calvinistic Cartoons Excellence in Random Word Writing Award.
Friday, 29 May 2009
Two Angry Men Write What's Wrong

Dear Mr. Eddings,
I have entered your Caption Contests over and over again and YOU deleted my entries. All my friends and family said I should sue you because it is clear that my jokes are worthy of awards.
My first entry was for Contest # 14...the one where the dude is shielding the woman from another dude. Here is my caption:
"Get away from here, madman! I don't subscribe to your newspaper and I never will. So go far from the farm or I will kill you! I mean it now! GO!"
The second time I entered, I posted this caption (for Contest #15 - the one with the singing and the playing and the hat and the lady):
"I will kill you for singing off key! I really mean it! Don't make me get up from this piano bench and prove it...ya low-down, flea-bitten hobo of a man!"
The third one was for Contest #16...the one with the man on the floor and one of the other men is holding a whip:
"Take back what you said about my expensive clothes or I will kill you! I mean it! Here, take this! And this! Now, will you apologize for your insolence? No? Okay, some more lashes from my whip!"
It's apparent to me you are one-sided, two-dimensional, and flat-footed! I leave and I will never return! I mean it! I'm not lying! ...oh, yeah, you are also a lousy speller!
Your cousin,
Dear Pea-Brain,
I joined your blog not knowing what a Calvinist was. As I read your attempts at humor, it suddenly dawned on me that you were serious about all this TULIP stuff! I am leaving because you attack other beliefs as well as your own...which proves to me you are insane! And your last posting was about WINE! ...also, Merlot looks a lot like "Merlin" who was a wizard! Are you condoning magic, witchcraft and drinking alcohol? Well, you "broke the straw" on the camel's back when you made fun of the Pope! What has he ever done to YOU?! I hope you drink milk that has gone sour! And then, bite into a donut that has ants crawling all over the insides. I am leaving and will create my OWN blog where no one says anything negative! I will call it..."A Blog for Those Who Have No Computers". And if I ever become king of England, I will have you banished to Rhode Island!
Caption Contest Winner #16

Let Us Repent and Believe
and a reminder to all that predestination includes everything!
For more captions that were predestined click here
Thursday, 28 May 2009
Caption Contest Winner #15

Take a look at the other suggestions for this
caption contest by clicking here!
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Lyrical Miracles Chosen One # 9

And like the depraved funeral director said to Dr. Kevorkian,
"Thanks for your patients!"
Sunday, 24 May 2009
Today in Church History (not entirely documented)

The God that holds you over the pit of hell, much as one holds a spider, or some loathsome insect over the fire, abhors you, and is dreadfully provoked: his wrath towards you burns like fire; he looks upon you as worthy of nothing else, but to be cast into the fire; he is of purer eyes than to bear to have you in his sight; you are ten thousand times more abominable in his eyes, than the most hateful venomous serpent is in ours. You have offended him infinitely more than ever a stubborn rebel did his prince; and yet it is nothing but his hand that holds you from falling into the fire every moment. It is to be ascribed to nothing else, that you did not go to hell the last night; that you were suffered to awake again in this world, after you closed your eyes to sleep. And there is no other reason to be given, why you have not dropped into hell since you arose in the morning, but that God's hand has held you up. There is no other reason to be given why you have not gone to hell, since you have sat here in the house of God, provoking his pure eyes by your sinful wicked manner of attending his solemn worship. Yea, there is nothing else that is to be given as a reason why you do not this very moment drop down into hell.
Caption Contest #18

Saturday, 23 May 2009
Today in Church History (we think)

When asked at his licensure exam in 1823 whether he subscribed to the Westminster Confession of Faith, Finney responded, "I had not examined it - This made no part of my study. If it's not a Pop-Up book I will have nothing to do with it!"
Caption Contest #17

Friday, 22 May 2009
Today in Church History (maybe)

On May 22, 1924, Harry Emerson Fosdick preached the famous sermon, “Who Let the Dogs Out?” from the pulpit of First Presbyterian Church in Walla Walla, Washington.
Although a licenced dog catcher, Fosdick was serving as the preaching minister of the prominent Fifth Avenue Candy Bar church, and his sermon has been generally regarded as the “Chucky Cheese” of the fundamentalist-modernist controversy in the Presbyterian Church. Though ostensibly a plea for tolerance, the widely distributed sermon served to warn fundamentalists that they could not “drive out from the Christian churches all the wacky preachers who love to mix it up with those who disagree with heretical views.”
In an earlier (1918) letter, J. Gresham Machen had described Fosdick’s preaching as “just dreadful! I can't believe this junk goes on in front of, outside and inside the Church. And to top it all off, he spits when he talks.” By 1923, Machen would emerge as modernism’s most formidable critic with the publication of Christianity and Liberalism. Fosdick, however, would recede from Presbyterian prominence. In 1925 he resigned his post because of multiple dog bites and a case of rabies, and in 1930 he became pastor of the newly built Sweet Potato Church in New York City.
Caption Contest #16

will be announced on May, 29th
Thursday, 21 May 2009
No Contest

But prizes will be given to the winners.
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
Caption Contest #14
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Coffee House #5

Chic & Gumbo Coffee Creamer,
This week takes me to "The Same Ol' Grind", a coffee shop located in Beanbag, Colorado. I had my mini-recorder microphone hidden at a table where two Christians were conversing.
After You Die

This will be the last song I post here for a long while.
It is the first song I wrote after the Lord saved me.
It's entitled, "After You Die".
The rich man found himself in Hell
Lazarus was doing well
What will you hear after you die?
What will you fear after you die?
God can make you fully whole
He can save your eternal soul
Sin has a price, it has to be paid
That's why Jesus Christ, gave His life that day
What will you say after you die?
You'll have to pay after you die
God's Word is beckoning to you
Don't wind up with that rich fool
What will you feel after you die?
You'll have to kneel after you die
Life and death are not a game
Every tongue shall confess His name
Sin has a price, it has to be paid
That's why Jesus Christ gave His life that day (2x)
Monday, 18 May 2009
There's a Name

He's the One, God's only Son
Turns around and glorifies
Sunday, 17 May 2009
A Simple Song of Jesus

recorded many years ago by Bobby Darin.
Come and sing a simple song of Jesus
Sing it like you never sung before
Let it fill the air, tell the people everywhere
We the people here believe the Lord.
Mr. and Mrs. Christian are you listening?
Don't live like you've never known the Lord
Let the people see that you walk in victory
The joy of your salvation He'll restore.
Mr. Unbeliever are you ready?
You'll be all alone on judgment day
When God calls your name, you'll know you are to blame
For every single sin you'll have to pay
Hey there, Mr. Sinner can you hear me?
Give your life to Him who is the Way
Then you'll surely see, that this Man of Galilee
Will never leave you or cast you away.
Brother and sister are you listening?
There's a plan that you cannot ignore
It is God's design that you let you light so shine
By living out what's written in God's Word.
Come and sing a simple song of Jesus
Sing it like you never sung before
Let it fill the air, tell the people everywhere
We the people here believe the Lord.
Saturday, 16 May 2009
He's Mighty

Friday, 15 May 2009
Travelin' Time
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Songster Pulpit
to the tune of "Summertime Blues"
Well, I'm gonna get up early and I'm gonna read the Bible
Gonna pray to Abba Father that I live like a disciple
I talked to God the Father and He said quote:
"I'm looking for a swimmer not just one who likes to float."
Sometimes I wonder what I'm a goin' through
But His grace is sufficient and His Holy Word is true!
Well I'm gonna plant some tracts when I go on my vacation
Gonna talk about Jesus and the gift of His salvation
I talked to God the Son and He said to me:
"I'll never leave you or forsake you that's the way it's gonna be."
Sometimes I wonder what I'm a goin' through
But His grace is sufficient and His Holy Word is true!
Well my mom and papa told me son you gotta live for Jesus
Just give Him all your problems and you'll never fall to pieces
Well I talked to God the Spirit and He said quote:
"I'll give you understanding just keep reading what I wrote."
Sometimes I wonder what I'm a goin' through
But His grace is sufficient and His Holy Word is true!
Well last night I was a readin' in the book of Revelation
It was talkin' bout a party - a big wedding celebration
Well the invitation came in the form of a book
"It's called the Holy Bible if you wanna take a look."
Sometimes I wonder what I'm a goin' through
But His grace is sufficient and His Holy Word is true!
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Fan Photo from "Puddin" Tane

Mr. Tommy "Puddin" Tane sent me this photo he found in a new antique store called "The House of History" in Clabber, North Dakota. On the back of the photograph is a listing of the members. The female member was the singer/songwriter of the group known only as "Pilgrim Grandmommy" and the fellow on the far right was listed as "Doc Brown". Also of interest, is the young boy on the snare drum, he is the great grandfather of the late James Montgomery Boice! Amazing photo indeed! Thanks Tommy Tane for sharing!
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Monday, 11 May 2009
Sunday, 10 May 2009
Saturday, 9 May 2009
Friday, 8 May 2009
Lyrical Miracles Contest # 9...# 9...# 9

Thursday, 7 May 2009
Oldie But Goodie

Traveling through the southern part of Tennessee on my way to another Coffee Shop Confidential, I stopped in "Criminal Records", an old record shop where all the merchandise was donated by those awaiting execution. I came across this rare album by Johnny Puleo and his Harmonica Gang. A lot of Christians don't know, but Spurgeon wrote a lot of hymns! Pilgrim Publishers in Pasadena, Texas has a paperback entitled " Our Own Hymn-Book: Spurgeon's Metropolitan Tabernacle Hymn-Book". It is well worth owning...and it is much easier to find than the album above. (...And for those who know nothing about Johnny Puleo and his Harmonica Gang, YouTube has some video worth watching.)
Have a blessed day everyone! This is the day that the Lord hath made! Let us rejoice and be glad in it!
Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Tuesday, 5 May 2009
Comments? No Comment

I know you think I am going to beg for comments. Well, no I'm not. Why would you think that I would? You have a right to remain silent...and I am listening. I know you will comment when you feel there is a need. I don't want anyone out there to feel any pressure whatsoever. Do you think I comb my posts every day to see if someone has commented or not? Really? All right, maybe so...but, do you think I am so ego-centric that I need morale boosting around the clock? Well, I am working on that. I have also noticed that one just disappeared from the ranks today. No explanation. No reason given. I suspect he was forced to withdraw his membership because of the Emergent Mafia. All I want to say is hang in there saints! My time is short. My mind is fading. And I plan on continuing this as long as my laughing heart holds out. There is (and this is serious) a huge announcement I will be making in a few months. So stay tuned...if you please.
Monday, 4 May 2009
Free Subscription to New Members

Coffee House #4

This episode of Coffee House Confidential is brought to you by
This week takes me to "The Freudian Sip", a coffee shop located in Dusseldorf, Germany. I had my mini-recorder microphone hidden at a table where two English speaking Arminians were discussing Calvinistic Cartoons. They both had their laptops open to my blog. (I admit, I sort of planted the idea in their heads by suggesting they go there. I then, went to the restroom and disguised myself with a Groucho Marx kit made by the same people who invented the Life-size Clydesdale Chia Pet. This is the edited version of their conversation.)
Bo: Just who was that guy? Isn't that him in the corner with the fake Groucho glasses?
Moe: Yeah, that's him…it would probably be best just to ignore him.
Bo: What do you think of this blog?
Moe: Pure D Calvinism.
Bo: Moe, you're the Bible expert! Tell me, why are there Calvinists anyway? Why can't they interpret the Bible like we do?
Moe: Bo, first of all, Calvinists are a proud lot. They are so convincing that it will annoy you. Like a broken record of a singing florist with tulips stuck in his hair. They blindly follow James Calvin like lemmings in an icy rainstorm.
Bo: You are a veritable wordsmith! No wonder you won the Finney Polite Fight Award of 2001. You da man!
Moe: Yes, I AM the man.
Bo: Tell me a little about Calvin.
Moe: James Tiberius Calvin, was born in France the same year Columbus chopped down that cherry tree. He studied at the Institute of Christian Religion and then posed for the Reformation Wall. I believe he had a pet tiger named Hobbes at one time. He created the TULIPS acronym.
Bo: I thought it was just TULIP, y'know five points.
Moe: Yes, that's true…NOW…but, originally, it was SIX points. The "S" was dropped in 1812. It stood for "Sovereignty".
Bo: Where did you learn all this?
Moe: I took a Kenneth Copeland Correspondence Course back in '95. It took me three whole months to graduate.
Bo: You're a gentleman and a scholar! I bet you know when to use a semi-colon!
Moe: I happen to be writing a book on Charles N. Spurgeon right now, and it's full of semi-colons…well, I am writing it in my head. I haven't written anything down as yet. But when I find the right publisher…WATCH OUT WORLD! This book will dispel the idea that Spurgeon believed in Limited Atonement.
Bo: You could debate ANYONE!
Moe: If only John Mugarthur or R.C. Sprawl would walk through that door right now…I would engage him in a conversation about the Five Points and demolish every argument he could muster.
Bo: Look! Isn't that John Mugarthur and R.C. Sprawl at the counter ordering espressos?
Moe: Hey! What are they doing here?
Bo: Now's your chance! I'll go ask them to join us!
Moe: NO! Don't you see? This is some elaborate plan to capture us and burn us at the stake! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!
At that moment, both men grabbed their laptops and ran out the back door. Moe left his Dake's Bible and Bo left a tip with a Jack Chick-fil-a coupon worth over seventy five cents on a spicy chicken sandwich. Neither really discussed my blog like I had planned. I'll have to use that technique again in the future. But I did get to meet two guys who looked a whole lot like John MacArthur and R.C. Sproul that day.
Sunday, 3 May 2009
Shai Linne Song
Verse 1
Here’s a controversial subject that tends to divide
For years it’s had Christians lining up on both sides
By God’s grace, I’ll address this without pride
The question concerns those for whom Christ died
Was He trying to save everybody worldwide?
Was He trying to make the entire world His Bride?
Does man’s unbelief keep the Savior’s hands tied?
Biblically, each of these must be denied
It’s true, Jesus gave up His life for His Bride
But His Bride is the elect, to whom His death is applied
If on judgment day, you see that you can’t hide
And because of your sin, God’s wrath on you abides
And hell is the place you eternally reside
That means your wrath from God hasn’t been satisfied
But we believe His mission was accomplished when He died
But how the cross relates to those in hell?
Well, they be saying:
God knows He tried (8x)
Verse 2
Father, Son and Spirit: three and yet one
Working as a unit to get things done
Our salvation began in eternity past
God certainly has to bring all His purpose to pass
A triune, eternal bond no one could ever sever
When it comes to the church, peep how they work together
The Father foreknew first, the Son came to earth
To die- the Holy Spirit gives the new birth
The Father elects them, the Son pays their debt and protects them
The Spirit is the One who resurrects them
The Father chooses them, the Son gets bruised for them
The Spirit renews them and produces fruit in them
Everybody’s not elect, the Father decides
And it’s only the elect in whom the Spirit resides
The Father and the Spirit- completely unified
But when it comes to Christ and those in hell?
Well, they be saying:
God knows He tried (8x)
Verse 3
My third and final verse- here’s the situation
Just a couple more things for your consideration
If saving everybody was why Christ came in history
With so many in hell, we’d have to say He failed miserably
So many think He only came to make it possible
Let’s follow this solution to a conclusion that’s logical
What about those who were already in the grave?
The Old Testament wicked- condemned as depraved
Did He die for them? C’mon, behave
But worst of all, you’re saying the cross by itself doesn’t save
That we must do something to give the cross its power
That means, at the end of the day, the glory’s ours
That man-centered thinking is not recommended
The cross will save all for whom it was intended
Because for the elect, God’s wrath was satisfied
But still, when it comes to those in hell
Well, they be saying:
God knows He tried (8x)
Lyrical Miracles Special Edition

Rule #2: Write the lyrics based on Calvinistic Cartoons (try to include several aspects of this blog - like songs, cartoons, specific characters, contests, etc.)
Rule #3: Think of this as a TV or radio advertisement. I intend on using the winner's lyrics as part of a promotional ad for Calvinistic Cartoons. I will print hundreds up and drop them off at Dallas Theological Seminary and Criswell College here in Dallas, Texas.
Saturday, 2 May 2009
Friday, 1 May 2009
Emergent at 20,000 Feet

Ellery T. Boss is a blogger on an airplane for the first time since his nervous breakdown six months ago.
He spots an emergent leader on the wing of the plane.
Every time someone else looks out the window,
the emergent leaps out of view,
so nobody believes Ellery's seemingly outlandish claim.
Ellery realizes that his wife is starting to think he needs
to go back to the sanitarium,
but also, if nothing is done about the emergent, he will damage the plane and cause it to crash. Ellery steals a sleeping pastor's Bible, and opens the window marked "Auxiliary Exit" to prove the emergent wrong on his view of Scripture, succeeding despite
the fact that he is nearly sucked out of the plane himself.
Once the plane has landed, although he is
whisked away in a straightjacket,
there is evidence of his claims: the unusual damage to the plane's engine nacelle — yet to be discovered by mechanics — that
presumably can only be explained as caused by something that
clawed at the structure's mainframe.