Thursday 28 October 2010

A Page from the Past

Thanks, Mitzi Pullman, for finding this ad
from an old Hollywood Movie magazine!
A check for $7,000 will be in your mailbox
before you can walk to the moon!

Sunday 24 October 2010

On the Trail

Win $50 - This is REAL!

I don't know how else to say this...THIS IS REAL! $50 to the first person who delivers the "Fantastic Four" from the Reformation Wall (see photo above) in
Geneva, Switzerland to my home in Salmiya, Kuwait. I will place two twenties and a crisp ten dollar bill in your hands myself! That's all there is to it!

Saturday 23 October 2010

Monday 18 October 2010

Old Cartoon of Mine

This is an old cartoon from my very first book, Laugh & Learn Cartoon
Features for Church Publications, by Baker Book House. Copyright 1991

The Grenade and I

At the Movies 74 Years Ago Today

Haven't seen the movie
Don't agree with the title
But, I do like Popeye!

Friday 15 October 2010

Have You Seen This Guy?

Arminian Antics #26

A Letter from Bobo Laughface

Dear Eddie,
You may not know this but, even though I am a follower of Arminian Antics, I still read your blog whenever I feel down. Like right now. As you may or may not know, (you choose) I was on a $7,000 paid vacation (I won this by telling Corky Velveeta that Cotton Adams was a Calvinist) and I ran out of money on the second day of my stay in the Cayman Islands. I really could use another $7,000 to get back home! I have already asked every Arminian friend and relative I know, and they all chose to say no. So I thought I would ask any Calvinist out there if he, or she, feels predestined to hand over seven grand to a man with needs. I can promise that when I return home, I will start asking for money to pay you back AND with 2% interest for your trouble. I hear most Calvinists are richer than a bowl of Cool Whip and wanted to let you know that to help an Arminian is like helping a human being. Thank you and best of luck,
Bobo Laughface

Wednesday 13 October 2010

A Tale of Two Wings

Bizarre Things Said in the Pulpit

I once heard a pastor of a slowing dying church say, from the pulpit, " If this church is going to grow, it will grow under my ministry and no one else! I will not share this pulpit with anyone!" 
This was his response to a suggestion the week before about having a week long conference, at the church, where four other ministers would take the pulpit, as well as he.
Have you heard anything strange, odd and bizarre come from a pulpit?
If you have please let us know. If a pastor or preacher enters the pulpit unprepared by prayer and humility, the flesh can certainly take over, and often does. 
And please, no vile language. I will delete any statement that I deem inappropriate.
(although, they will probably ALL be inappropriate, you know what I vulgarity - thanks)

Saturday 9 October 2010

Prizes! Prizes! and More Prizes!

Since we’re just little Calvinistic fish in a huge evangelical pond, we can only do what we can do… and that, only by God’s grace. Therefore, these are the prizes in our first ever, 40 Days of Predestination Giveaway:

First Prize USA.  (1) DVD of Amazing Grace: The History and Theology of Calvinism by the (1) Copy of Against Calvinism by Peterson, Eddings & Cardwell. (1) Copy of Christian Behavior by John Bunyan. (1) Copy of A Puritan Family Devotional (in your choice: KJV, ASV, ESV, NKJV, or NASB) by Jon Cardwell [Total Value: approx. $53]
First Prize International. (1) $25 Gift certificate from (1) Copy of Against Calvinism by Peterson, Eddings & Cardwell. (1) Copy of Christian Behavior by John Bunyan. (1) Copy of A Puritan Family Devotional (in your choice: KJV, ASV, ESV, NKJV, or NASB) by Jon Cardwell [Total Value: approx. $53 US]

Second Prize USA. (1) Copy of Against Calvinism by Peterson, Eddings & Cardwell. (1) Copy of Christian Behavior by John Bunyan. (1) Copy of A Puritan Family Devotional (in your choice: KJV, ASV, ESV, NKJV, or NASB) by Jon Cardwell [Total Value: approx. $28]
Second Prize International. (1) Copy of Against Calvinism by Peterson, Eddings & Cardwell. (1) Copy of Christian Behavior by John Bunyan. (1) Copy of A Puritan Family Devotional (in your choice: KJV, ASV, ESV, NKJV, or NASB) by Jon Cardwell [Total Value: approx. $28 US]

Third Prize USA. (1) Copy of Against Calvinism by Peterson, Eddings & Cardwell. (1) Copy of A Puritan Family Devotional (in your choice: KJV, ASV, ESV, NKJV, or NASB) by Jon Cardwell [Total Value: approx. $15]
Third Prize International. (1) Copy of Against Calvinism by Peterson, Eddings & Cardwell. (1) Copy of A Puritan Family Devotional (in your choice: KJV, ASV, ESV, NKJV, or NASB) by Jon Cardwell [Total Value: approx. $15 US]

Special Drawing. Drawing held on Reformation Day, October 31, 2010. (1) 42” Yemenite Shofar. [Total Value: approx. $150 US]

For more information click somewhere right about HERE

The Bible Spells it Out for You

Thursday 7 October 2010

The Day of the Open Mic Night

Welcome to the very first Open Mic Night! We have a great show for you tonight so just sit back and enjoy these five, bright new comics as they try their best to make you smile. They have worked hard on these entries, so I would ask that you show your appreciation by either sending me several thousands of dollars or applauding after each post.
The first one up is a man who is clever and witty, and I could go on, except I am having a terrible time reading his handwriting...Ladies and gentlemen, I present, the Truthinator!

John: I know there are some Emergents around here. The stench of Universalism is in the air!
Dean: I wouldn't be surprised. There's so little Bible knowledge around that people are fallin' for false teachin' left and right.
Ricky: There's a stranger in town from the southern Californy territory givin' out tickets to a garden party. I hear the Jonas Brothers will be singin'.
John: You stay away from those Emergent garden parties, pilgrim.

Our next comic is a long time blogger. His brother doesn't work either. Here is Rob Marsh...

I could stand up here an hour and talk about our next comic's accomplishments - but only if I talked really, really slow. So without further ado, I present to you, a man who is his own biggest fan, Taylor Meece. 

Eddie Eddings decides to fire his only gag writer at Calvinistic Cartoons, because he found out that he was a spy for Arminian Antics and he also never used deodorant.
Remember folks - I just introduce them. I don't guarantee them.
And now, a man who has made anonymity a household name...please welcome, Dr. Ralph "Rafe" E. Spraker, Jr., from Columbia, South Carolina!

Before I introduce our last comic, let me remind you that no one is perfect. Last, we have a man who can point to many amazing accomplishments in his lifetime. Unfortunately, none of them are his - I present Geoff Flahardy.

Sometimes the Arminian message just doesn't hit home with folks.

That's it for this evening! It's been MORE than an honor to be your MC's been an inconvenience. Thanks for coming and please help clean up a little before you leave. We'll be back soon if the creek don't rise and no one sets fire to the building! So until next time ... don't forget to buy da book!