Monday 30 April 2012

Corky and the Water Bears

Corky was spotted by micro-marine biologist, Flavius Boone, playing with a couple of water bears yesterday. Tardigrades, also known as water bears or moss piglets, are able to survive in extreme environments that would kill almost any other animal. Some can survive temperatures of close to absolute zero and temperatures as high as 151 °C (304 °F), 1,000 times more radiation than other animals, and almost a decade without water. Since 2007, tardigrades have also returned alive from studies in which they have been exposed to the vacuum of outer space for a few days in low earth orbit. These two Corky named Benny and Elvis (after the Arminian Antics team). 

May 2012

Arminian Connection Contest

See if you can solve the mystery.
A history you probably weren't aware of...
even if you were a full-blown Arminian.
There is an Arminian connection...
the detection might change your complexion!
So dig a little deeper and you'll find
info that will blow your mind!
Who will be the first to solve this?

Sunday 29 April 2012


This is actually a fan photo where the $7,000 prize payment goes to good use. It seems that photographer, Toby Cooper, got a little too close when he jumped from behind a palm tree and my car smacked him down. He is recovering quite well at the Kuwait Hospital and Hotel in Salmiya. Toby suffered from a broken camera and a small cut above his eyebrow.  

Saturday 28 April 2012

At the Kuwait Airport

Nigel Pettibone was photographed minutes ago, at the Kuwait airport wielding his cane. Ironically, he has named his cane, "Abel", because he is "able" to use it in so many ways...and because of the two brothers in the book of Genesis, Cain and Abel. Sounds a little crazy to me, but it's a fact. I just don't make these things up, y'know.

Faith Sustained

click for a better picture

Friday 27 April 2012

Nigel Pettibone Headed for Kuwait

Nigel Pettibone, the cantankerous and easily agitated Arminian, was seen boarding a passenger plane for Kuwait early this morning. This photo was snapped on an iPhone by longtime Calvinistic Cartoons fan, Leroy Mackafee, and sent with this text attached: "When Mr. Pettibone sat down in front of me, a note fell from his  pocket. I picked it up an handed it to him. The note read - Find Eddie and teach him a lesson he won't forget! Lots of luck, Benny. Just wanted to let you know so you could be on the look out."
Now I am not sure if Nigel has an outlined lesson from Dave Hunt on Calvinism vs Arminianism, or if there is a more sinister intent behind the note. I will have several CC followers stationed at the Kuwait airport. They will keep Mr. Pettibone off my trail. I have asked them to follow and send photos while Nigel P. is searching Kuwait for the Calvinistic Cartoons headquarters.

Arminian Antics #94

New Flavor

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Just for Laughs #212

Call in with your captions today!

Fan Photo from Ray Palmer

Thanks to Ray Palmer for sending in this photo of Corky Velveeta. It appears they are both in some unidentified microscopic place. Ray does a lot of microscopic photography when he is not fighting crime. Corky and Ray have been friends since high school. Nothing like hanging out with old friends and catching up on each others lives.

Monday 23 April 2012

Corky's Grenades

Corky Velveeta has an arsenal of his own grenades. They are ever present in a compartment within his Romans 9 costume. He calls them his pets and each one is named "Ben" because the truth of God's Sovereign Grace has "been" in the Bible from day one. This grenade is a "light" grenade that produces a spectacular flash of light to any Arminian that might be present. 

Shorpy - Bringing Past to Present

Philadelphia circa 1909. "Girard Trust Company."
8x10 inch dry plate glass negative, Detroit Publishing Company

Shorpy is a great site for viewing vintage photos. If you want a real sense of history visit this blog often. I love studying the faces of the many individuals who have passed from this life into the next. (see if you can spot two special people in the photo above) 

Saturday 21 April 2012

New Comment Feature

Blogger now supports threaded commenting, which means that it is now much easier to differentiate between whether someone is making a general comment on the thread, or responding to another comment on the thread. That starts today on this blog.

My only problem, at the present, is the pre-scheduling. I can't get this to function like it used to. I set the date, click done and when the time rolls around - the post doesn't appear on my blog like it is supposed to. Any tips would be helpful.

Noah's Ark in On-Line Photos

For Googlers:
To enlarge right click on pic and a pop-up pops up. Choose "Open image in new tab". Then, click on new tab located now at the tab bar at the top. Now you will be able to increase the size with the little, tiny magnifying glass provided. Thanks goes to Walter Kovacs for bringing this problem to my attention a second time.

And the Winners are...

Congratulations go to Curtis Q. Plankton and Fritz McLean who have won Spurgeon's Commentary on the Book of Matthew! And it is autographed by C .H. Spurgeon! It's not the C. H. Spurgeon you are probably thinking of. It's Carmen Hattie Spurgeon, a waitress at Mimi's Cafe in Dimebox, Texas, who is not related to the Prince of Preachers at all. Still, it is C. H. Spurgeon - you can't deny that!

Friday 13 April 2012

No Joke

Got up this morning at 5:30 AM to work on blog. Almost two hours later with three cups of coffee - nothing. I usually use the mornings to create new ideas and pre-schedule them (up to May 3rd so far). This is the first time in a long time that I have experienced writer's, I thought I would write about having writer's block...I'm going back to bed.  

Arminian Antics #92

Thursday 12 April 2012

Ladder Daydreams

For Googlers:
To enlarge even larger - left click on picture. Google brings up pic with black background (not much bigger, if at all). Then, right click on pic and a pop-up pops up. Choose "Open image in new tab". Then, click on new tab located now at the tab bar at the top. Now you will be able to increase the size with the little, tiny magnifying glass provided. Thanks goes to Bleach McMuffins for bringing this problem to my attention.

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Hunger Games

The Un-masked Arminian Pastor #14

Finney & Wesley Spotted on 66

Benny Finney and Elvis Wesley were photographed on route 66 by Calvinistic Cartoons follower, T-Bone Willis, Sunday afternoon. T-Bone stopped and talked to Benny while they filled their tanks with unleaded gas. Mr. Finney is drumming up some cash for a new project that promises to "ban non-free will people from all future elections". When asked about Calvinistic Cartoons, Benny spit on the ground and yelled, "Get away from my chapel ya rotten apple!" Then he sprayed T-Bone with a seltzer bottle full of Mountain Dew and left  without Elvis Wesley. Thirty seconds later Benny Finney rounded the gas station and Elvis jumped in and they both sped away shaking their fists. 

Monday 9 April 2012

Off the Beaten Path

 Just wanted to share a few favorites in hope of you sharing a few of yours.
One of my favorite places in the world is Dubai. I've been there a dozen times already and always find it totally fascinating. An amazing city with lots to offer. 
 This CD I downloaded on my iPod and have listened to it for years. I have never tired of it because every song is so different from the next. A really nice mix with a sci-fi theme about Christians in the future. Check it out when you get an opportunity.
As far as books go (and they go far) this one is a fun read!
"Following Jesus' example of using story to communicate truth, Mark Shaw offers an introduction to Christian doctrine which draws on classic narratives to shed light on the Trinity, the attributes of God, . creation, providence, sin, redemption, and more."

So what are some of your favorite places, CD's and books?

Proctologist Discovers Ancient Skeletons

Proctologist, Barney Cankerton of Emu, Nebraska, sent these amazing photos to our office a year ago. We just filed them in the wrong bin and recently discovered them as we were doing inventory. Thanks for your patience Barney, we will be sending you a check for $7,000 in the next few days if we don't misplace it.

Sunday 8 April 2012

Moving Back!

Relocating Calvinistic Cartoons

There comes a time in every life where you must bust a move. We here at Calvinistic Cartoons will be moving to another location today. Sorry for the short notice, brothers and sisters, but circumstances demand it. Calvinistic Cartoons will no longer be located at this present location. No, we are moving our entire office building, with the thousands of staff members still working diligently to provide you with the best Calvinistic humor money can't buy, a block over. Thank you for your patience while this is underway.

The Lighthouse Church in Kuwait

This is the Church in Kuwait where my wife and I attend.

Easter Morning Invitation

for the 2% who don't know - click on the picture to enlarge

Saturday 7 April 2012

The Triumph and Wisdom of the Resurrection

"Imagine, for a moment, the reaction of Hell to the death of Christ. Jesus was bound with the bands of death. What celebration and joy! God was defeated! Vengeance was the Devil’s. But they reckoned without the wisdom of God. For Christ could not be held down by the bands of death. In fact through death He was paralyzing the one who had the power of death, and He was setting His people free (Heb. 2:14-15). What seemed to be defeat was actually victory. The Resurrection morning was Hell’s gloomiest day. Satan saw the wisdom of God and tasted defeat."
Sinclair Ferguson