Wednesday 30 June 2010

Just for Laughs #105

I don't like to harp on this but, we need a strings attached.

Guess Who #17

Clue: This photo was taken before Christ came into his life.
Look in the comments for additional clues.

A Song of Romans 8:28

I found this stuck in one of my books. I had copied it from some Sovereign Grace magazine years ago. It was written by Daniel Parks and it blesses me each time I read it.


A Metered Meditation of Romans 8:28 - 32
To be sung to the tune of
"There is a Fountain Filled With Blood"

All things together work for good. To them who love the Lord;
Yea, e'en to them who have been called according to God's Word.
God foreknew all His chosen race before the world began.
And purposed for them all things good by His foreordained plan.

Whom God forknew He also did predestinate to be
Conformed unto the image of His Son for all to see.
Then these predestinated ones, though deep in sin and shame.
Were called - and that effectually - when God the Spirit came.

Man's condemnation was so great that soon all should have died.
But for all these the Spirit called, God also justified.
God justified! Yes! He is great! His depths no man can know.
But God's work still was not complete - He glorified also!

What shall we say for all these things? What shall our answer be?
'Tis this, "If God be for us, then, who can against us be?"
He who spared not His own Son, but delivered Him to be
The Savior for His chosen race, works good and wondrously.

Tuesday 29 June 2010

Guess Who #16

Who is the gentleman with the tie?

Just for Laughs #104

This could be a great Bible incident!
...or not.

The OTHER Eddie Eddings

These albums, I have recently posted, are my father's. He was the original "Eddie" Eddings. He was an extremely gifted musician. He could play piano, banjo, fiddle, mandolin or guitar. I idolized him as a child. He wrote songs recorded by many country western stars including, Tammy Wynette, George Jones, Earnest Tubb, Loretta Lynn, Jack Greene and Jeannie Seely, among others. He was a talented singer as well, and had a promising career. But he was also an alcoholic and an agnostic. He mocked the faith and turned from a larger-than-life personality into a demon-possessed wife-beater. I have very few good memories of him during my childhood. But, I loved him.
My mother divorced him when I was ten. My first step-father was an atheist, the next step-father, a man by the name of Beau Deal, believed the Bible was true, although he didn't live it himself. (We actually smoked marijuana together one evening) I was a rock musician by then, and my drug of choice was LSD. God used Beau and my mother, who no longer agreed with the atheism of my former step-dad,  to point me in the right direction. One evening, I came home, after taking way too much LSD, and couldn't control my mental state. While I was being carried off by paramedics, he placed an old Bible in my hands. I, of course, couldn't read in my mind-warping condition but, the pictures I could understand. I hadn't seen that Bible since my grandmother used to tell me of the stories - using the same paintings - of Jesus and His virgin birth, sinless life, death and resurrection. I gripped that Bible and wouldn't let go as I stayed up all night in the hospital going through demonic hallucinations.
When God saved me months later, I visited my dad, who lived on the north side of Houston, Texas. I gave my testimony of saving grace while I saw his visage change to a hatred that had always scared me. I was shaking, literally.
Years passed, and as I grew in the Lord, I was no longer afraid of him. I witnessed to him many times after that, as did others. As far as I know, he remained an agnostic till the day he died.
I spoke at his funeral and shared the Gospel with everyone there. I could see many country western musicians who attended who had the same problems.
His music is now being found on several CD's and rockabilly blogs. I just wanted to share a little about his life. I wasn't there the day he died. I visited him a few days before and shared the Gospel for the final time. I do miss him.

Thursday 24 June 2010

Guess Where #3

Does this look a little familiar?
Name the road AND place.

Did you know there is a webcam,
trained on the crossing 24 hours a day?
Well, you do now.

What Do YOU Think?

Blogger, Facebook or both?
As I was surfing cyber-waves off the coast of Blogger Bay, I noticed that some had decided to quit their blogging and pack up and move to Facebook Village. Some of the reasons were for evangelistic purposes. One stated directly that he had more visits on his facebook page than he did on his blog. So another voiced his opinion that he should quit and stick with Facebook.
I have a friend who used to post a comment, now and then, on THIS blog - had his own site - got discouraged because he didn't have a hundred followers in his six month existence in the blogosphere - and now is fully devoted to his Facebook page as his "ministry". I never hear from him unless I post something on his Facebook page.
I have a Facebook page myself. I spend very little time on it. Usually, I just slap a Calvinistic Cartoon on it or post a video there, then leave.
There are pros and cons here. I just don't really know what they are. I was hoping some of you could share some advice.
What do you think?

Wednesday 23 June 2010

Medicine for the New Emergent

Singers, Songwriters and Musicians

Do you lead worship at Church? Are you a singer? Songwriter? Do you a guitarist who never frets? Do you play an instrument or do you play several instruments? I want those who have musical talent to introduce yourselves here. I know of a few followers who have recorded albums. We would like to get to know you a little better before we all meet in Heaven. THAT will be some kind of music! Did you know that Jesus will sing to His Bride in Heaven? (see Hebrews 2:11-12) So drop a note, and tell us about your love of music. 

Tuesday 22 June 2010

Joe Tract

Here is a tract I did for Good News publishers years ago. It is still selling well. One note to all my Calvinist friends - this is not the original ending. I had an Arminian friend who worked at American Tract Society edit it. It wasn't my decision. When he was at ATS we had a few head butting conversations about my Calvinistic beliefs. We are still friends - but he removed all my "Calvinism" from the written text. I no longer have the original wording but, his use of "oft" is a little ancient in my opinion. I kidded him about it at the Christian Booksellers convention while he was talking to John Piper's son. Anyway, that's some background so you know I haven't turned into an Arminian.

Monday 21 June 2010

To Start Off Your Day

Found this ad in an old Saturday Evening Post Toasties magazine from 1951. I did some research and found out that, even though they had good intentions, most people were just too hungry to stop, read and pray over each mini-wheat. The energy cereal lasted only six months and was replaced by a new cereal called,
Mr. Ed's Bag of Oats.

Comic Book

Here's a comic book I worked on called Paro-Dee. It was the brainstorm of Nate Butler, Archie artist and Christian minister. This comic is still available and can be found on the internet. My buddy, Kerry Gammill is also featured, he is an amazing talent who used to draw Superman. This comic is gospel-oriented throughout.

Guess Who #15

Provide real name and a character name
plus "religious" belief.

Friday 18 June 2010

Arminian Antics #9

DNA Agenda

Everyone knows that DNA is an acronym for the National Dyslexic Association, but it is also the acronym for the Double Negative Arminians, an organization Finney Finney started in 2007. Their agenda is to wipe out all Calvinistic humor and satire.
"We don't want nothing but Arminian humor, which is a product of human free will and human effort," Finney Finney told Moody Monthly. "We hardly have none to speak of, but we cherish it as a toad frog cherishes a lily pad."
"I noticed, before I left Kuwait, that we had 204 "followers". Today it is 203", Eddie Eddings told the Wall Street Journal. 
"I take credit for that," Finney said. "There is hardly no worse challenge than convincing a follower of C.C. to drop his membership and join A.A."
Benny Finney, the blogger/movie director, told the Laodician Journal that he will be writing letters to all members of C.C. and offering a free month of Showtime if they will cancel their membership.

Thursday 17 June 2010

Corky Lamp Ad

Any Artists Out There?

Are you a cartoonist? An illustrator or painter? I want just the artists who draw or paint. (You singers and musicians will get to list yourselves on Thursday, June 24 - I have to draw the line somewhere) Please tell us something about yourself. What medium do you like to work in? Are you a professional? Have you had you work published or displayed? Who are some of the artists who inspire you? We want to see who's out there! 

Tuesday 15 June 2010

Finney Finney

Would appreciate any prayers you can afford for my wife, daughter, granddaughter (and me) as we travel to the States. You won't miss a day of CC because I have pre-scheduled everything up tll mid-August. I will be reading and commenting while in the States. (I just won't be able to Photoshop for a while - and believe me, that is painful). The summer's in Kuwait are extremely hot. So Colorado and Texas will be a cool breeze and a much needed quality time for us. Thank you for your comments (in advance) and don't forget to floss while I'm gone!

Follow the Command

Sunday 13 June 2010

No Volunteers for Major Flaw

What Do YOU Think?

Here's a question you may have thought about -
Will Christians receive Heavenly rewards for their
blogging, facebooking,twittering and anything else
that comes along? What do you think?

Saturday 12 June 2010

Now I'm a Street Therapist

An old friend, from my days in Houston, wrote me a while back. We had done quite a few projects together. A comic strip, a radio show, a TV comedy show, a worm farming project (no joke) among other things. To my surprise, he has written a humorous novel (it's been compared to Dave Barry's work) and included me in it. Here is his letter to me:

Dave or Eddie - however you refer to yourself nowadays,
Open the Door, Richard is my first novel & it’s available at, Barnes & & all the major internet book sites for $9.95. I have two more coming out (all are humorous fiction)—one in December & another in 2010). The first one is about me growing up in the fifties & sixties. I tell the individual stories to a series of court-appointed therapists after being convicted for road rage. Street therapist Dave Eddings (a rock ‘n roll guitarist/ex-biker and two-time ex-con), my fourth therapist, hears one too many of my life stories tries to prove that he can fly and jumps out of the window from eleven stories up. (It turns out that he can’t.) But don’t worry. If I have time before the Rapture to write a sequel, I plan to introduce Dave’s twin brother, Eddie Eddings.
I read your blog, too. How long have you been doing it & are you doing any other projects? At the moment, I’m writing either a comic strip or a cartoon book (I’ve written close to six months worth of material) called In Search of Global Warming. I was planning to use one of the artists who did my book covers ( the publisher does comic books, too), but if you’d be interested, let me know. If not, get in touch with me anyway. I’d love to hear from you.

I haven't bought a copy yet, but when I get to the states (in about 4 days) I will look for it. Hope he was life has always been based on a true story.

Dimly and In Part

Guess Who #14

I actually think this is a fairly easy one, so to win this contest you must not only identify the person pictured above, but provide his other names and his "religious" belief.

Friday 11 June 2010

Benny Finney's Profile

Arminian Antics Headquarters Found

Thanks to Leroy Shanks, the AA offices were discovered in Cankersore, New Mexico.

First Photo of Benny Finney

Benny Finney is the clown on the right. The other two indiviuals are "Emerging Arminians". Their names are Larry Bean (left) and Trashcan Jones (center).
This photo was taken by one of our staff members, Andrew Ricketts, who was at the meeting in disguise as a Arminian Amway salesman.

Thursday 10 June 2010

Body and Soul

Bookaholic Dreamhouse

This would be a dream come true! Individually lit bookshelves on a winding staircase. Just wanted to share that with you readers and ask this question:
Other than the Bible, what ONE book
has most influencd your life?
My answer is "The Sovereignty of God" by A.W. Pink.
What's YOURS?

Separated at Birth (kinda)

Even though Jon Cardwell, of Justification by Grace, and the actor Claude Akins weren't born the same year...they shore look alike ta me!

Wednesday 9 June 2010